Friday, August 28, 2009

republican Stop Fighting Change!!!

As Obama work to reform health care republican are fights against. The republican are using high school tackle to derail any progress. Send fake letter s and mad protester to town hall meeting. The media claim the Obama approved rating is slipping but I’m not buying it. Millions of people are going without health care the system is broken and Obama is trying to fix it. So republican Stop fighting change!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


1. I am happy that Prop 8 was upheld
2. Kelly Rowling is useless on bravo’s the Fashion show. Watching fashion show does not make you a fashion expert.
3. I’m hook on the Deadliest Catch it make me happy to see the Time Bandit with a full pot.

Men to the Rescues

I am so tired of women look for a man to save them. What happen to depending on yourself to save the day? I’m not that type of women and I’m proud of that.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Daily Me

Today was beautiful sunny and clear, I when to school to get my ID & Parking decal. I order most of my book and will buy the rest from school. I start school tomorrow it feels good to be in the swing of thing again.


I watch rock of love. All of those drunken hoe competing for the attention of a rocker who is sleeping with all of them. I don’t see the point of going on show to compete for a guy who is not worth it. But I watch for the drama anyway.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Springtime means ….

Springtime means everyone is working on there number one goal that is to lose weight.
The T.V will be filled with weight loss show and special to fit everyone needs. The news paper and magazine will have article on how to lose weight, Talk show will follower suit. And the America people for 3to 4 months will eat, sleep, talk and breathe weight loss only to give up half way through. Make the same resolution around New Year and the cycle start allover again. Will this merry go call weight lose ever stop? You tell me.

Daily me

Today was boring as usually a few random comments here and there none thing new.
I spent my time think about college my classes start in 4 days, I still haven’t order my book yet. I don’t why I put off doing thing like that. A while ago I made a goal to stop procrastinating I haven’t work on it at all maybe it time to do so. Anyway I when Michaels today so I can use my gift card I got for Christmas only to find I couldn’t use all of coupon So I bail. I would of when to burger king but I forget my changes. I’m glad I when out anyway I love to the drive so it wasn’t a total lose.

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